Scientific conference and 10th Young Researchers School "Renewable Energy Sources"
Scientific conference and 10th Young Researchers School "Renewable Energy Sources"
The organizing committee of Scientific conference and 10th Young Researchers School "Renewable Energy Sources" with the great pleasure invites students, PhD students, postgraduates, young researchers and lecturers to join our next 10th meeting, which will take place in Moscow, Russia on 10-13 October 2016 at the Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), with the financial support of Russian Foundation for Basic Research.
Young Researchers Schools on renewable energy has been launched in 1999 at Lomonosov MSU. The Conference is organised by the Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University in cooperation with the institutes of Russian Academy of Sciences (JIHT, VIESH, etc.). Previous event, held in 2014, has gathered over 300 participants.
In 2016 the Conference and School will be held as an event of the International Forum "Renewable Energy. Ways to improve the energy and economic efficiency. REENCON-2016". Joint events are planned at the Innovation center "Skolkovo".
The Conference and 10th Young Researchers School will be holding lectures from leading experts in the field of solar, wind, geothermal, small hydro energy, bioenergy, renewable energy economics, etc. The program also includes oral and poster presentations of students, PhD students, postgraduates, young researchers and young specialists followed with a discussion of their works, contest of best works and winners awarding. We also plan to organize consultations with specialists and companies working in the field of renewable energy.
The topics of the Conference and 10th Young Researchers School "Renewable Energy Sources" cover the following research areas:
1. Improving the efficiency of photovoltaic solar energy.
2. Current approaches to solar energy conversion into heat: solar collectors, solar systems PV / T and hot-PV.
3. Optimization of wind turbines parameters to produce competitive solutions and to achieve minimum cost of electricity.
4. The features of the electric and thermal energy systems based on renewables storage.
5. Today's biofuels technologies and features for their preparation.
6. Integrated use of geothermal fields to produce electricity, heat and extraction of valuable chemical compounds.
7. Development of technical solutions in the field of small hydropower for water and power supply.
8. The development of tools for mathematical modeling and engineering methods for calculating the optimal systems on solar thermal energy and electricity.
9. Increasing accuracy of renewable energy resources assessment and their efficient use.
10. Ecological aspects of renewable energy systems life cycle.
The economy and the competitiveness of renewable energy: reality and prospects.
Russian, English.
Registration and abstracts submission - until September 01, 2016
Confirmation of participation, second Announcement - until September 15, 2016
Conference program - until October 01, 2016
Days of conference - October 10-13, 2016
Oral or poster presentation (the organizing committee reserves the right to change the format of presentations after reviewing proceedings)
We invite to attend universities, specialized in the field of renewable energy and companies working in this area for announcing their educational programs, projects, employment opportunities. Information can be presented in poster and oral format.
E-mail: school@gis-vie.ru
119991, Leninskie gory, 1, Moscow, Russia, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, Scientific Research Laboratory Renewable Energy Sources
Tel: +7(495)939-42-57, +7(495)939-41-63.
Participants are given free access to all Conference events, free proceedings publication, conference bag with complete conference materials, free coffee breaks, visa support for foreign participants.
The Organizing Committee does not provide accommodation, but we can recommend you nice hotels.
Вечером 12 октября наши коллеги проведут для участников конференции уникальную вечернюю экскурсию в Битцевский парк.
Вот их анонс:
В походе, на даче, да и просто на прогулке вечером или ночью вы наверняка слышали загадочные или даже пугающие звуки. Кто их издает? Леший? Кикимора? Бородатая Неясыть? Вот об этом вам расскажем профессиональный зоолог Владимир Потанский. Да не где-нибудь, а прямо ночью в лесу. Но это еще не все. После экскурсии за чашкой чая в нашем уютном домике состоится обмен впечатлениями и небольшая лекция о каком-нибудь диком уголке планеты. Мероприятие бесплатное. НО... Наш домик не может вместить много народу, поэтому запись обязательна! С собой берем одежду по погоде, фонарик, плюшки к чаю. Сбор отважных 12 октября (четверг) в 19:00 на станции м. Новоясеневская.
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