Modern Information Technology and IT-education

XIX International scientific-practical conference "Modern Information Technology and IT-education"

Москва, Россия
2 September — 10 November 2024
Author: 20 Sep - 1 Nov 2022 23:00
21 - 23 Nov 2024
MSU, Москва, Россия

Modern Information Technology and IT-education

XIX International scientific-practical conference "Modern Information Technology and IT-education"


Aims and objectives of the XIX International scientific-practical conference "Modern Information Technology and IT-education":

  • to promote researches in the field of theoretical computer science, applied mathematics and computer science, aimed at the development of scientific bases of cognitive and information technologies;
  • to promote   scientific research  and innovations in the field of cognitive convergence of information technologies and their applications;
  • to promote the development of processes and technologies of informatization of education, training and methodological support of the national IT system of education, as well as promoting innovative pedagogical solutions based on the use of KKIT;
  • to promote research and exchange of experience in the field of open and continuous network education through the use of electronic and mobile learning methods and technologies, innovative educational tool technologies.

The scientific program of the Conference involves work in the following thematic areas:

Section 1. IT education: methodology, methodological support.

Section 2. E-learning and IT in Education.

Section 3. Educational resources and best practices of IT Education.

Section 4. Research and development in the field of new IT and their applications.

Section 5. Scientific software in education and science.

Section 6. School education in computer science and ICT.

Section 7. Economic Informatics.

Section 8. Innovative Information and Pedagogical Technologies in IT Education. Organizing Committee forms a section of the full-time members, who have presented works on International Conference-Competition Innovative Information and Pedagogical Technologies in IT Education.  

A series of master classes, workshops, video conferences under the title "Modern Training Courses and Manuals".

Round Table Discussions on topical issues of IT Education.

Summing up the results of the XIX International Conference-Competition "Innovative Information and Pedagogical Technologies in IT Education"-ИП-2024.

Conditions of participation

All participants of the XIX International scientific-practical conference "Modern Information Technology and IT-education" must:

1. REGISTER at the conference website;

2. Pay the arrangement fee for the participants from the Russian Federation:

  • for post-graduates (without co-authorship with the supervisor) with a scientific report the size of the registration fee is 1500 Russian rubles per one research report (if there are several co-authors the size of the registration fee does not change);
  • the conference fee is not charged to students, graduate (without co-authorship with the supervisor) a scientific report;
  • for the rest of the authors of scientific reports the size of the registration fee is 3000 Russian rubles per one scientific report (if there are several co-authors the size of the registration fee does not change);

Payment of the registration fee for participants from near and far abroad countries:

  • for all categories of foreign participants the registration fee is 3000 Russian rubles. Any money transfers to the account of the Fund "League of online media" from foreign organizations and foreign individuals are not accepted. Specify the desired method of payment of the registration fee at the organizing committee of the conference on e-mail:

3. Upload a scientific paper (download step by step instructions on how to upload the work),  attach the scanned payment receipt of payment of registration fee in additional files.

The text of the scientific paper should be provided in formats .odt, .doc, and it must strictly comply with the requirements for registration of scientific papers for publication in the scientific journal "Modern information technology and IT-education» (ISSN 2411-1473) and with the attached sample article.

According to the results of the conference selected  scientific papers texts will be published in the scientific journal Modern Information Technology and IT-education (ISSN 2411-1473) and indexed in the RSCI. The  scientific journal «Modern Information Technology and IT-education» is a periodical printed publication. The certificate of registration of mass media PI number FS77-66450 on July 14, 2016.
According to the results of the conference selected  scientific papers texts will be published in the scientific journal «International Journal of Open Information Technologies» (ISSN 2307-8162) and indexed in the RSCI. The scientific journal «International Journal of Open Information Technologies» is an all-electronic journal. The certificate of registration of mass media EL number FS77-66448 on July 14, 2016.

These journals are included in the Russian Science Citation Index and full-text versions are placed on the site of the Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU. Information about these journals with access to electronic versions of articles and citation indexes are availables on the website eLIBRARY.RU integrated with RSCI.

In order to increase the visibility of the conference publications for the international scientific community selected scientific papers of the conference will be published in the collection of research papers, which is indexed in SCOPUS.

Conference proceedings will be published in Springer CCIS series (main volume).

The articles which are not included in the scientific journal «Modern Information Technology and IT-education» or in the collection of research papers (SCOPUS) by decision of the Program Committee will be published in the electronic collection of scientific papers of the Conference and indexed in the RSCI.The Electronic collection of scientific papers will be assigned to an International Book Number ISBN.

Articles that do not meet the conference topics and indicated requirements for registration of scientific reports, will not be published by the decision of the Program Committee.


Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Кафедра информационной безопасности

The Federal Educational-Methodical Association in higher education for the enlarged group of specialties and areas of training 02.00.00 "Computer and Information Sciences", Russia

Federal Research Center "Computer Science and Control" of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia

Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod, Russia

The institute of electronic control computers, Russia

PJSC "Sberbank of Russia", Russia

LANIT Group of Companies, Russia

Journal of Applied Informatics, Russia

International Scientific Journal "Modern Information Technologies and IT-Education", Russia

International Journal of Open Information Technologies, Russia

The Fund for Promotion of Internet media, IT education, human development "League Internet Media", Russia


Organizing committee of the conference on e-mail:

About partners

LANIT Group of Companies; D-Link Corporation; Internet Initiatives Development Fund; The Fund for Promotion of Internet media, IT education, human development "League Internet Media"

PJSC "Sberbank of Russia"