
32nd International Scientific Conference for Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov"

Москва, Россия
Until 6 april 2025 23:59
Author: 13 Jan - 9 Mar 2025 23:59
Co-author: 13 Jan - 9 Mar 2025 23:59
Fundamental medicine
The Faculty of FundamentalMedicine of the Lomonosov Moscow State University MedicalResearch and EducationalInstituteinvitestalentedyoungresearcherstoparticipateinthesectionFundamental Medicine of the XXXII International Scientific Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists Lomonosov-2025". The work of the "FundamentalMedicine"sectionreflects the uniqueformatof the medicalscientificconferenceaspart of a multidisciplinaryyouthscientificforum,whichallows for a deepandcomprehensivereview of solutions to the most complexproblems of modernmedicalscienceandpractice.
Topics of subsections:
1.Experimental research2.Clinical medicine3.Regenerative medicine4.Young Lomonosov (subsection for schoolchildren).Scientificresearch,design,scientific and designworks of medical and biologicalorientation of schoolchildren of grades8-11 are accepted.
The working languages of the section are RussianandEnglish.Students(specialists,bachelors,masters),residents,graduate students andyoungscientistsfromanycountry of the world under theageof35inclusivecanparticipatein the work of the section. The applicationforparticipation is registered by the author on the electronicregistrationpageon the conferencewebsite. The rest of the research/thesisparticipants are registeredasco-authors. The formatof the sectionis offline. The selection of participants is carried out by the organizing committee of the section based on the results of consideration by the Expertcommittee of the submittedabstractsandposterspresented to the expertsin the future.Allparticipants of the section will receivecommemorativecertificates. The authors of the bestreports are awarded with 1st,2ndand3rddegreediplomas. The authors of the mostinterestingreportswill be recommendedforpublicationinjournals.
Participation stages and calendar
1)correspondence stage:acceptance of abstracts until March3, 2025(inclusive); As a result of the examination, the status of yourapplication will changeto"Acceptedas a posterpresentation".Thismeansthatyou are recommendedtoparticipatein the 2ndstage.Unfortunately, if thestatusischangedto"Rejected", you have notpassedthenextstage.Incase of the status"Acceptedas a posterpresentation", youneed to preparefor the postersessionandmake an A1paperposter(stand),printit out andbring it on thedayof the section.2) offline stage I(mandatoryforALLparticipantsselectedtoparticipatein the conference): postersession- the datewill be specified a littlelater(from11:00to12:00-posterplacement,at12:00(Moscow time)- the beginning of the postersession): -Youneed to prepare an A1poster(vertical); -send the posterelectronicallybye-mailBEFORE12:00 on April7, 2025. 3) offline stage II(based on the results of the postersessionfor the admittedparticipantstothisstage): -oralpresentationsaccompanied by presentationslides(time limitis7-10minutes)
Requirements for posters and oral presentations:
Posterwith the results of the study:A1 vertical formatOral presentation:duration7-10 minutes (preferablyaccompanied by a slidepresentation). The submittedreportsshouldcorrespond to the topic of the selectedsubsection.
Social network
Youcanfollowthenews of the preparationandwork of the sectionin the sections of the sectionFundamentalMedicineon the Conferenceportaland the newspages of socialnetworks.: vk.com/Lomonosov_Med
Contact information
If youhaveanyquestions about the work of the section, please contact us bye-mail: lomonosov.med@gmail.com(the subject of the letteris"LomonosovMed2025") The executive secretary of the sectionisEkaterina I. Zimakova,Chairman of the Council of YoungScientists of the Faculty of Fundamental medicine.