International Congress of Young Scientists
About the International League of Young Scientists
The idea for the International League of Young Scientists was first proposed by the rector of Moscow Statу University Victor Sadovnichiy at the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students in Sochi, October 2017. ILYS germinated as a follow-up to the International Scientific Youth Forum "Lomonosov-2019", a unique platform for communication of the scientists worldwide. 2018 marked a new chapter in the 25-year history of the Forum when at a round table the participants from more than 20 countries (Russia, China, Egypt, Australia, Mexico, India, Belorussia, Italy, Czech Republic, Brazil, Uganda, etc.) launched a new international network – the International League of Young Scientists.
The International League of Young Scientists (ILYS) has started its work to empower young scientists (students, post-graduates and researches) under the age of 40 all over the world. ILYS is operated by an international team of volunteers with the support of the Presidential Grant Foundation.
ILYS is hosted by the flagship the Russian science Moscow State Lomonosov University. With the main office based in Moscow ILYS expects to open affiliated branches and representative offices in the regions supporting this initiative.
ILYS provides an open network where young intellectuals communicate and interact with their collogues worldwide and launches a new information system to create start-ups, innovative projects and build distributed project groups working on current scientific and social tasks.
During the early stages of development key projects of ILYS will be associated with major activities of the International Forum “Lomonosov”. Technological basis for communication will be provided by a new information system based on the Lomonosov portal (https://lomonosov-msu.ru), a single-entry point for project work, collaborative activities and international communication.
ILYS focuses on much more than virtual space, opening branches and representative offices in different parts of the world, organizing meeting and conferences, launching international field projects.