28th International Scientific Conference for Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov"
· The study of natural factors of development of the geographical environment
· Study of landscapes and landscape components in protected natural areas
· Biodiversity, soil and landscape diversity
· Supply of natural resources
· The evolution of natural geosystems. Paleogeographic studies
· Geochemistry of natural landscapes
· Ecosystem characteristics
· Environmental protection and conservation
· Ecosystem services
· Web cartography
· Geographic Information System Mapping
· Map design
· GIS for natural and man-induced systems management
· Аerospace methods in geography
· Cartography and GIS education
· Internet cartography and electronic atlases · Remote sensing in environmental researches · Spatial analysis
· Modeling in geography
· Forecast methods
· Statistics in geography
· Dating methods
The abstracts are a summary of your research (not an application for a planned work in the future).
Abstracts should include:
• Statement of the problem and a brief explanation of its relevance.
• A brief description of the main findings of the researchers on the topic and your personal contributions.
• Research part - an explanation the way you got results, as well as brief conclusions about their significance for further work in this area and / or prospects for practical application.
• References (no more than 3 sources).
Abstracts: 1 page (3000 signs including gaps and references).
The references should be listed in alphabetical order by the author's surname.
The abstracts should contain references to all sources in the reference list.
Please note! When submitting the abstracts you put references into specific boxes, do not number the list by yourself. After you save the abstracts, the system will automatically put numbers for references. In order to put a new reference source press the "Enter".
Images (format jpg and png files) are submitted into specific boxes.
The final decision on the inclusion of the report in the program remains with the Organizing Committee.
Abstracts that do not coincide the requirements, will be rejected.
The sessions will be in distant form.
The program and requirements for presentations of reports will be published on the session page, as well as sent to participants in their personal accounts after the abstracts examination procedure is completed.
The materials will include abstracts from those authors who took part in the distant sessions.
Participants who will take part in also will receive certificates.
Assistant Prof. Sergey Sokratov - Deputy Dean for Research of Faculty of Geography, Ph.D. in Geography (chair).
Assistant Prof. Andrey Ivanov - Deputy Dean for Students' Research of Faculty of Geography, Ph.D. in Geography (vice chair).
Svetlana Pligina - Head of Department of Scientific and Research work management (coordinator).
Liudmila Zaytseva - Senior Specialist of Department of Scientific and Research work management.
Pavel Konstantinov - Head of The Council of Young Scientists, Faculty of Geography, Assistant Prof., Ph.D. in Geography