28th International Scientific Conference for Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov"
Business administration and Entrepreneurship
You are cordially invited to submit your abstracts of papers for presentation consideration at the XXVIII Lomonosov Conference – Section «Business administration and Entrepreneurship».
The conference aims to bring together young researchers from all over the world. Participants will find opportunities for presenting new research, exchanging information, and discussing current issues.The Conference welcomes students (specialists, bachelors and masters), postgraduate students and young scientists from any country of the world under the age of 35 – including students, postgraduates and staff of universities and academic institutions from Russia and abroad.
Topics and Keywords
Suggested topics under the overarching session general theme include, but are not limited to:
- entrepreneurship and business creation;
- management and entrepreneurship;
- Russian startups;
- corporate entrepreneurship;
- social entrepreneurship;
- practical solution of actual problems in Russian and international companies;
- company`s strategy development;
- company financial management;
- innovation management and entrepreneurship;
- new product launch: marketing, strategy development, advertising;
- assessment of innovative projects;
- business strategy development in digital economics;
- project management;
- corporate social responsibility;
- leadership and ethics;
- organizational culture and changes.
- human resources management.
Practice-oriented research which may have practical value for companies and entrepreneurs are highly encouraged.
Abstract Submission
The Conference will be held in an online format. Conference languages are Russian and English.
Registration and abstract submission are open until March 3, 2021. Abstracts should be submitted via the electronic registration system on the Conference website – https://lomonosov-msu.ru/eng/event/7000/
No submission fee is required. All the papers will be refereed through a blind review process.
Publications Opportunities
All accepted abstracts will be published electronically in the Lomonosov Conference Program and Abstract Book (with an ISBN number).
Expert council
Selection of Conference participants, as well as the determination of the best reports of the Conference is carried out by the expert council of the Section «Business administration and Entrepreneurship». Selected participants receive the notification of acceptance by the organizing committee based upon the decision of the expert councils no later than two weeks prior to the start of the Conference.
Contact information
Albina Gimkaeva: gimkaeva@mgubs.ru
Daria Denisova: denisova@mgubs.ru
Website: www.mgubs.ru
Phone: +7 495 939 25 65