28th International Scientific Conference for Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov"
Regional platform "Vernadsky - Sarov"
Vernadsky-Sarov regional scientific platform has been organized within the Vernadsky-Sarov scientific and educational consortium. The Memorandum on the establishment of Vernadsky-Sarov consortium was signed by Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) and Russian Federal Nuclear Center – All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics (RFNC-VNIIEF) on March’25 2019.
Russian Federal Nuclear Center - All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics (RFNC-VNIIEF) is the largest research center in Russia which successfully addresses defense, science and national economy problems. RFNC-VNIIEF contributes to strengthening scientific, technological and defense capabilities of the Russian Federation.
Achievements of RFNC-VNIIEF include discoveries and numerous inventions in physical and mathematical sciences which have provided the basis for new technologies.
Following the order of the President of the Russian Federation from 28 November 2020, RFNC-VNIIEF started the creation of the National Center for Physics and Mathematics and a Branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The new branch of MSU will integrate the leading university of the Russian Federation with its recognized competencies in the field of classic fundamental education and research and the largest scientific center of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom which disposes large-scale experimental facilities and develops innovative technologies and original devices.
Master’s training programs such as: Theoretical Physics; Laser Nonlinear Optics and Photonics; Extreme Electromagnetic Fields, Relativistic Plasma and Attosecond Physics; Computational Methods and Modeling Techniques; Supercomputer Technologies for Mathematical Modeling and Data Processing will start at the branch on September, 01 2021.
Scientific directions of Vernadsky-Sarov regional scientific platform are:
- Computational mathematics and cybernetics;
- High performance computing and mathematical modeling;
- Fundamental materials science and nanomaterials;
- Physics;
- Mathematics and mechanics;
- Automatics and electronics.
The Vernadsky-Sarov Conference will be held 12 – 23rd of April 2021.
Registration - until 3rd of March 2021.
Executive secretary of Vernadsky-Sarov scientific platform:
Molokova Svetlana, svetamolokova@gmail.com; +79030521095
Organizing committee:
Neznamov Vasiliy Petrovich - First deputy of Scientific Director of RFNC-VNIIEF for fundamental research, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Academician of RAS.
Garanin Sergey Grigorievich - General Designer of laser systems – Deputy Director of RFNC-VNIIEF for laser physics – Director of Institute of Laser Physics Research, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Academician of RAN.
Shagaliev Rashit Mirzagalievich - Deputy Director of RFNC-VNIIEF for priority technological direction – Deputy Scientific Director of RFNC-VNIIEF – First Deputy Director of Institute of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics for mathematical modeling and computational systems, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
Vorontsova Olga Stanislavovna - Director of RFNC-VNIIEF for communications and international relations, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
The Conference welcomes students (specialists, bachelors and masters), postgraduate students and young scientists from any country of the world under the age of 35 – including students, postgraduates and staff of universities and academic institutions from Russia and abroad.
Official languages of the Conference are Russian and English.
The Conference will be held in an online format.
Those wishing to participate in the Vernadsky-Sarov Conference should submit their proposal/abstract to the organizing committee STRICKTLY through the electronic registration system between 5th of February 2021 and 3rd of March 2021 (inclusive) to be accepted. Submit your proposal/abstract electronically via the "Lomonosov" Scientific and Educational Portal (lomonosov-msu.ru). Choose Vernadsky-Sarov sections in the list of sections. For proposal/abstract style guidelines click here: https://lomonosov-msu.ru/rus/event/7000/page/2381. Applications received by email are neither considered nor registered.
Expert examination and competitive selection of applications are performed by the expert councils (jury) of the Conference’s sessions. Selected participants receive the notification of acceptance by the organizing committee based upon the decision of the expert councils.
Abstracts will be published in the Conference proceedings on the Lomonosov Portal.
Speakers should submit their presentations for reports to the application form in PPTX format.
Diplomas for the best reports and certificates will be generated automatically on the Lomonosov Portal.