31st International Scientific Conference for Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov"
The meeting of the “Psychology” section will be held on April 16-17, 2024.
Individuals currently enrolled in specialist, bachelor's, and master's degree programs, along with doctoral candidates, applicants, and emerging researchers under the age of 35, are invited to partake in the international conference.
1. Actual problems of neuropsychology (Mikadze Yu.V., Kovyazina M.S., Skvorcov A.A., Varako N.A.)
2. Actual problems of sports psychology (Leonov S.V., Sagova Z.A., Yakushina A.A.)
3. Group and personality: space of communication and interaction (Belinskaya E.P., Dubovskaya E.M.)
4. Humanitarian psychology facing the challenges of modernity (Bratus' B.S., Bityuckaya E.V.)
5. Information technologies in psychology: virtual reality and eye tracking (Kovalev A.I., Men'shikova G.Ya.)
6. Clinical psychology (pathopsychology, psychosomatics, psychology of corporeality) (Thostov A.Sh., Nikolaeva V.V., Rupchev G.E., Vinogradova M.G.)
7. Cognitive psychology (Gusev A.N.)
8. Personality traits: differential psychological approach (Chertkova Yu.D., Parshikova O.V.)
9. Mathematical methods and models in psychology (Mitina O.V.)
10. Organizational psychology (Kachina A.A., Blinnikova I.V., Lipatov S.A., Zlokazova T.A.)
11. Mental health in a changing world (Pavlichenko A.V.)
12. Psychological counseling and psychotherapy: theoretical research and applied aspects (Sokolova E.T., Spivakovskaya A.S., Burlakova N.S., Teperik R.F.)
13. Psychology in extreme situations: challenges of modernity (Shojgu Yu.S., Shirokaya M.Yu., Ushkov F.I.)
14. Psychology and psychocorrection in the sphere of mental development of children and adolescents (Pechnikova L.S., Ryzhov A.L., Bardyshevskaya M.K.)
15. Psychology of personality in a changing world (Shlyagina E.I., Nasinovskaya E.E., Enikolopov S.N., Zvyaginceva M.I.)
16. Psychology of communication and interpersonal relations (Solov'eva O.V., Kokurina I.G.)
17. Psychology of negotiation and conflict resolution (Soldatova G.V., Golynchik E.O., Chigar'kova S.V.)
18. Psychology of cognition and creativity: the unity of intellect and affect (Arestova O.N., Matyushkina A.A., Ziberova A.V.)
19. Psychology in practice (Onuchin A.N., Bazarov T.Yu.)20. Developmental psychology and age-related psychology in the face of global challenges (Karabanova O.A., Churbanova S.M., Almazova O.V., Burmenskaya G.V., Poskrebysheva N.N., Chesnokova O.B.)
21. Family psychology in the modern world (Zaharova E.I., Sadovnikova T.Yu., Molchanov S.V., Baranova V.A.)
22. Psychology of social relations between men and women (Tihomandrickaya O.A.)
23. Work psychology, engineering psychology, ergonomics (Barabanshchikova V.V., Kuznetsova A.S., Abdullaeva M.M.)
24. Psychology of the digital world: personality and society (Soldatova G.V., Belinskaya E.P., Chigar'kova S.V., Zhuravlev A.V.)
25. Psychology of language and intercultural communication (Matasov R.A.)
26. Psychosemantics (Mitina O.V., Petrenko V.F.)
27. Psychophysiology, cognitive neuroscience and artificial intelligence (Kisel'nikov A.A.)
28. Design and adaptation of psychodiagnostic techniques (Mitina O.V.)
29. Modern problems of psychology (subsection for school students) (Rikel' A.M., Dolgih A.G., Zubakina O.V.)
30. Emotional intelligence: current and perspective research (Pankratova A.A.)
31. Ethnopsychology and psychology of intergroup relations (Malysheva N.G.)
32. Juridical psychology: theory and practice (Ushkov F.I., Solov'eva O.V.)
33. Psychology of education in the modern world (Sidneva A.N., Nechaeva D.M., Plotnikova V.A.)
34. Psychology of the city and interaction with the environment (Baranova V.A.)
Organizing Committee
Chair – Yury P. Zinchenko, professor, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology MSU.
Vice-chair – Anton F. Gasimov, Deputy Dean for science work; Artem I. Kovalev, Deputy Dean for education work.
Contact information
Address: Russia, 125009, Moscow, Mokhovaya str. 11, b. 9; Faculty of Psychology, Organizing committee «Psychology» section Conference of students and young scientists «Lomonosov-2024»
Email: lomopsyorg@gmail.com
Vk: https://vk.com/lompsy and https://t.me/lomonosov_psy
Organizing committee of the “Psychology” section of the conference of students, graduate students and young scientists “Lomonosov-2024”:
Communication with participants in the section public – Chepurnaya Mariya – tg: @chepuras
Contact with participants by mail of the section – Sandalova Yuliya – tg:@sandalovva, VK: https://vk.com/sandalovva
Moderation of the work of the LOMONOSOV portal – Boyarinov Dmitry – tg: @deetverdov
Executive Secretary – Verezemskaya Sofiya Sergeevna – https://vk.com/mother_expensive